‘ I will never regret about what I did for my job’
Entertainer and finance manager Yetnayet Tamiru talks about her film life and business.Authorities of the Amhara and Oromia Success Office said that they held a conference to fortify the mutually enrolled triumphs.Authorities of the Amhara and Oromia Success Office said that they held a meeting to merge the triumphs enrolled together and conquer difficulties in fellowship.
The gathering was driven by the senior authorities of the two areas under the topic of reasonable harmony and general thriving.
At the finish of the discussion, Mr. Girma Yeshitla and Mr. Fekadu Tesema gave an assertion to the writers.
From achieving the public change to the production of flourishing, they referenced that individuals of the two locales assumed an extraordinary part in individuals to-individuals and administration to-initiative relations.
Girma Yeshitla, top of the Amhara Locale Flourishing Party office, said that the discussion intends to prompt on the victories, issues and arrangements of past exercises.
Oromia District Flourishing Party Head of Office Ato Fekadu Tesema said that the discussion is a stage that fortifies initiative solidarity, clears up disarray and elevates individuals to-individuals relations.
The two people groups have arranged together for the nation’s flourishing and advancement. Ato Feqadu said that they fell together for the distinction of the country. He said that we have passed choices to reinforce this solidarity and turn out together for the normal advantage of individuals.