Colonel mengistu hailemariyam message


There can be no rejection that the affirmation that shook Ethiopia to the center can be resolved through a political interaction, including all sides of combat, in addition to the general population on loose. Unfortunately, the voices of such artists as strict pioneers, elderly people, educated persons and elites, who can assume a significant part in pacification, are not sufficiently heard in the public stage. It is good enough for individuals from any country whose difficulty risks to meet and divert the risk in a simple war.




Obviously, allowing harmony every opportunity before moving on to war, assists with preventing the useful, monetary and mental cost that the ultimate implies. It should be assumed at the top of the list of priorities that strives to achieve a political response for the emergency that Ethiopia submerged through a comprehensive speech will be exhausting and arduous.




It can not have to guarantee that the hand of the harmony extended on the one hand will be answered by the other. Ethiopians are disappointed by the apparently endless pattern of the contest where there are no champions or failures. Ethiopia has been constantly a country that has been inseparable from anguish. Even though he has never attacked another country, he needed to endure some conflicts pointed towards oppression. His children may differ in a large group of subjects during harmony seasons, but they are still one when the aggressors endanger their power.




However, as different countries, they have had and still having something reasonable double crossing. International struggles that have denounced their set of experiences have originated essentially from the absence of a culture of participation, common resistance and reasonable reasoning. Subsequently, it has despised a large group of changes that could have changed their direction to improve things.

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