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The gathered information were broke down utilizing subjective substance examination with classes set deduced. The inquiries based on the exploration were planned as follows: 


How much has the ePortfolio been utilized as a learning and appraisal apparatus by instructors? 


What are the primary requirements/obstructions to its utilization? 


The first round of the on-line overview was dispatched in December 2016 and the second round in January 2017. The review was applied to every one of the 102 scholastics of the organization. Forty scholastics answered, which addressed a 39.2 percent answer rate. From the on-line overview results, we chose a gathering of scholastics who had expressed they utilized portfolios as an instructing as well as evaluation system. We met these scholastics independently to additionally comprehend their inspirations, snags and hardships. We talked with 13 scholastics toward the start of 2018. 


Instructing and appraisal techniques utilized by scholastics 


As referenced over, all scholastics working in ESE-IPS toward the finish of the first semester of the scholarly year 2016/17 were reviewed and the measure of respondents was not exactly a half. The on-line study was made with Google Forms and it was made out of open-finished and shut inquiries, with single and numerous decision replies. 


As to showing techniques, most of respondents (95 %) said they utilize computerized apparatuses to advance the understudies learning (figure 1).

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