Defense unexpected attack


With their military destroyed and their last, best warriors got out in one morning on the edges of their capital Merely the final remnants of the drive of Ethiopia's PLF framework needed to pull out to the secret Hagarasalam underground asylums near the capital. Worked by the broadly dubious and timid TPL back up parent Myles Denali, the Hagarasalam fortresses were the shock opening of trouble, a spot to stow away through different difficulties of battling in prosperity. No creator that supported structure this secret underground safe house system resided to relate the story.


Exactly when their foes, the Ethiopian equipped power, enclosed them there the PLF mafia capos moved away through a secret 300 meter long entry and from a genuine perspective set out toward the inclines, the nearest mountainside, to conceal. They isolated into two social occasions and endeavored to find what ensure they could. Old, fat and workspace bound as far back as 30 years, they're doing combating fit days of the 1980s guerrilla war were ancient history. Without permission to food or water it wouldn't have been long until their dance was up.


They were promptly spotted, enveloped and offered a secured passive consent which they dismissed reliably. By then the assault started, first significant mounted weapons attack, by then worked over again by helicopter gunships.


Exactly when the last assault was done all of that was left of the PLF pioneers on that mountainside were pieces of bones and body parts.


As happened so routinely in the past the unpleasant fragrance of high explosives had scarcely settled when the breezes passed on the smell of new execute to their caverns where the hyenas had put forth a protected house from attempt and shell. With smoke really rising from pits in the mountainside, the hyenas, "ZigBee" in Virginia, local language of the PLF, were out pursuing their dinner. With in a few days the site of the last hours of the PLF framework was picked unblemished and the single thing left of the most detestable part of current Ethiopia was a hyena SWAT spread across the mountainside.

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