
News about lalibela


A pioneer in contemporary music, Artist Telela Kebede has passed on. Track down joy in the great beyond. The advancement of Bahir Dar Stadium, which has been a work in progress to the burden of the Amhara nearby state, begun in 2010. The field with a restriction of 45,000 spectators is saved to cost 2.6 billion birr; 616,155,035 birr has been spent up until this point. In any case, the public authority has arranged an additional a two billion birr for its fulfillment in the accompanying ten years.


It is to be inspected that Bahir Dar field has been restricted from working with overall matches by CAF following a report from its evaluation bunch. CAF uncovered that there were a couple of issues that were not up to standard. Hawassa Stadium, which has a restriction of 42,000 spectators, should be in abundance of 96% wrapped up. 763,381,622 birr of its 2.6 billion birr spending plan has been spent up until this point. According to the report, an additional a 1.8 billion birr has been doled out to complete the endeavor all through the accompanying ten years.

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