
TPLF and the government sit down for urgent talks today


This article discusses the question of making sense to leave working with eportefolio in adult education. The article presents the results of a small-scale survey among adults in continuing education who have worked with eportely as central didactic principle. It is argued that many of the students' statements regarding their understanding of the earship processes are fundamentally issues of how to make sense of the eportfolio tool, both in their professional and personal lives. This requires a didactic stance with teachers who use eportecolios, based on empowerment through the creation of meaning, so that eportecolios make sense. It is suggested that two relevant didactic perspectives can be found to make sense of the world in the theories of biography and the work of the metaphor. In addition, a strong didactic posture that supports the creation of meaning should be based on a strong master role, with the teacher as the main sensor creator.

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