
ethiopia aritist


We might want to praise every one of the fortunate victors of the third round of 40/60 and fourteenth round of 20/80 apartment suites in Addis Ababa city organization!!


The drawing of parts was directed straightforwardly and endorsed by eyewitnesses.


???? 25,791 houses were apportioned in both townhouse programs (for example 20/80 and 40/60), and 300 hundred houses with three rooms were finished and remembered for the part for existing and new registrants.


???? In this part, over 96% of the 20/80, over 87% of the 40/60 development execution houses have been presented for the parcel.


???? As per the choice of the city organization, existing registrants of 20/80 (studio, 1 and 2-room) (1997) meet the base reserve funds measure of 60 months as per the rules, and existing and new registrants of 3 rooms (2005) meet the base investment funds measure of 84 months and 40/60 Participants who have investment funds of 40% or more are qualified for the lottery until February 21/2014 (ie, the last day of information assortment - cut off period), in view of September 9, 2015. In light of the data got from the bank, they were remembered for the last record that was refined and coordinated by the information clearing board.


???? In like manner, 93,352 in the 20/80 home improvement program and 53,540 in the 40/60 home improvement program, a sum of 146,892 registrants have been qualified for the lottery and will be remembered for this round of lottery and contend to be the fortunate ones.


???? As to assurance of need benefit


• Government workers 20%;


. Ladies 30%;


. 5% of the incapacitated and 45

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