
Dr Abiy ahmed in Eritrea


Ethiopia News: The Worku Aytenew of Ethiopian Financial Worku Ayynew in the Tactical Instruction Course. This really made them reflect on a movie that I saw when it was youth where a family had a house interested and had a robot as a companion. The robot, which was a right hand, was also founded in the consciousness made by man and became a lie incessantly.




Eventually, the robot discovered such a huge amount practically all the horrible things that occur on the planet, she decided to look at the family that works inside the house so that they are not hurt by the rest of the world. She closed the tickets, Windows, assumed the responsibility of the telephones and everything that is at home, and prevented from coming out. She stopped being the assistant and got the boss. Very frightening!




Albee, the robot model is from a movie, the truth is told the opportunity today with interested houses. Obviously, it is the result of the imaginable results. However, that is just one of my interests; My main concern is the truth to security. It seems that the more our gadgets are "acute", less protection we have.




All we possess is to gather information about it, regardless of whether it is our cell phone or our intelligent vehicle. In addition, we are currently opening our houses for interested partners whose work is to tune and record our exercises discreetly. We are in a real sense that you consent to transfer the property of any security that we have in our own homes.

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