
Tplf secret revealed


News from Ethiopia - Ethiopian News from Zehehabesha Ethiopian Day on September 29, 2021. The Horn of Africa crosses a stage where the difficulties confronting us, especially our meetings in Ethiopia and Sudan, play rule settlements of the majority of Social Orders with security and reliability is important for performing the desires of our two groups of people of advancement, success and civil rights.




At any point, there is an inadmissibility to a large extent, and at any point in the insidious external powers note that we have slipped into indoor struggles or a financial emergency, we see the lack of bailiff These powers intending to assault, to force their authority and ability to mingle with our internal businesses and ignore our public swing.




We, the public authorities and the individuals of Ethiopia, follow closely, with a real goal and a congenial compassion to what happens in the magnet Sudan, and our plan in such a way is perfectly clear. As we mainly continue with the obligations of the Community, normal destiny and civilizational correspondence that extends from the beginning.




We hope that Sudan will conquer its current trial with the polished perspective and methodology familiar with our brothers and sisters and our individuals in Sudan. We accept that Sudan should in no way allow external impedance and clear and secrete instructions.

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