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The 7th Ordinary Session of the National Road Safety Council examined the performance of the last six months of 2013 in terms of road safety.


The conference was opened by the Honorable Minister, W / RO Dagmawit Moges, who chaired the meeting. In his speech, he stated that he was convinced that the conference will generate more direction and national solutions in case we do not lose the lives of our citizens in road accidents. Since its creation in the Council of Ministers, it has developed a number of road safety strategies in collaboration with stakeholders. He stated that the Commission should discuss and guide the success of the 10-year transport sector development plan, particularly as a result of tragic road accidents in various parts of the country last month. The Council examined its semi-annual performance with stakeholders. In the performance assessment, the performance of the main activities, the results obtained and the challenges encountered were presented. The most important and important issues to be addressed in the future were discussed. Finally, the Honorable Minister W / RO Dagmawit Moges, said that the ideas raised will be used as a contribution for the future. In response to the issues raised by Council members, they will further reduce regional differences, will increase awareness and enforce the law, to implement the car transportation strategy and implement the recommendations made by the members. advice. The day program ended with an agreement to achieve better results.


Outreach training was provided on program budgeting and physical planning of physical planning in general. The Department of Supervision and Evaluation of the Ministry of Planning and Evaluation Budget and provided training in awareness of the program budgeting system and the performance report for physical planning to officials, administrators, team leaders and coordinators. It has been reported to the Forum that training will help measure the performance of an institution and create a fair system and link to the planned plans and strategies that will be issued. ASSEFA HADUSH, Director of the Departmental Planning and Budget Surveillance and Equation Directorate, said the training will be used to achieve the planned objective. He added that it is important to raise awareness of the planning and meaning of performance with planning bodies to create a coherent system in the institution. At the end of the training, the questions and comments raised on the training documents were answered.

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