TPLF secret revealed


At best, ePorfolios are not only connected to some of the study modules, but they work as a tool for the entire student learning path. This is why all teachers of certain bachelor's degree programs, beyond the study modules, must have common guidelines on how to use and guide the work of the ePorfolio. If an individual teacher requires that students use ePorfolios in some of the study modules, it is not enough for a success of the Eorfolio (Kunnari et al., 2017). The personal educational comprehension of teachers creates a basis for a good collaboration of teachers. If an individual teacher believes that the best way to strengthen skills is to build on the construction of collaborative knowledge with students, colleagues and professional life representatives, then collaboration in Eporfolio work can be easier. Successful teamwork requires teachers to abandon individual and fragmented vocational guidance and adopt more holistic and integrated teachers.

Sample Category #1
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