Ethiopian News July 20 2021 Mereja Today Abiy Ahmed


Arkebe Eqbay: as likely as most likely a week ago a week ago or somewhere in the vicinity, said on his twitter, the Jews represent only 9 million inhabitants, but they dominate the world, which has No cases of solitary Jew than the certificate, apart from the epileptic psyche of a game of PLF and recipients, and no one accepts what that person had declared, because it is a lie epileptic of the party. Epilepsy of a TPL part In order to provide food TPL platinum supporters to stay with TPL until the TPL internment finish. The world is neither controlled by the Jews nor it is administered by another specific human species. Just consider how TPL individuals think, simply dive into their cerebrrum and see what are the pictures of the outside world look like in their minds? How is the truth defined and deciphered? What image they do when they see Ethiopia, Ethiopians and Ti Gray and an individual from Ti Gray?

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