Defense Force take unexpected action


Different factors added to reforming impoverishment and the decrease in the Aksumite domain. The Arab adventure in North Africa eliminates the induction of the field to the red sea flow (and in the fields of the company that could be achieved through it and on which a gigantic piece of the domain flourish was based). In addition, evidence suggests that part of the normal resource of the field, similar to gold and ivory, had been exhausted. Very little made think about this period of history and Ethiopian scientists even vary from the dates of its beginning and its end.




The Political Focal Point of Ethiopia seems to have progressively progressed towards the southern and eastern pieces of the Tigray region (the northern northern of the nine regions of Ethiopia) in the post-Aksumite period. Two or three sanctuaries have been reasonably credited at this time, anyway after the amendments, weakness to secure approvals to coordinate archaeological contours makes the encounter. It exudes an impression of being sensitive that the prayer houses continued to be worked in the same way as (cut) out of rock. A social event of funeral hypomency (underground charges) in the Hawzian plain (in Northern Ethiopia) may have been transformed into love spots during the post-Aksumite period. This could be the circumstance of the places of love, for example, ABREHA-WE-ATSBEHA (sub) and Cherqos Wukro (the materials of these love places probably have a later date). As shown by the oral traditions of neighborhood, few crosses of iron at the date of the aksumite or post-aksumite periods, but the deficit of strong dating procedures and the way in which these crosses were fundamentally done until the 16th century, the makes incredibly difficult to affirm these things.

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