Athletes Tirunesh Dibaba and Sileshi Sihin


The Italians initially mastered Ra Certian funys and sought to move inside the land. Italian failure was probably its rapid underestimation of MENELIK military genius and the rich military history of Ethiopia. In the end, Italians were overwhelmed by combined troops from the combined resistance of ethiopia and single military intelligence and attack. Italians, however, remained in Eritrea for many years. He launched another attack during the fascist era of Italy, but they were then found after the Second World War by British law before Italy launches his attack on Ethiopia, the Emperor MENELIK II has already mobilized its armies with the help of other monarchies in Ethiopia. He has sent more than 100,000 highly qualified armies to strategic locations in the country, including patients, Addis Ababa, Merle and Athene. The Empress who ordered more than 6,000 men at that time also mobilized his troops, assemble and join other troops gathered throughout Ethiopia.

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