Unexpected attack on TPLF


In this part, our goal is to identify how the elements presented previously (Figure 1.) can be successfully completed from the point of view of teachers. We approach this goal by describing success factors at different levels: a) individual teacher level, b) Teacher's collaboration and team working level and c) organizational level and leadership.


a) Success factors at the level of individual teachers


Change your teaching practices as a teacher can be demanding. Following up towards the culture of collaborative knowledge (Lonka 2015) means that you must be able to design learning processes in a new way. The benefit of a teacher's growth, instead of fixed, could help you challenge your traditional practices and create new applications to know how to work in jurisdiction-based study modules and How to use new digital tools for orientation and evaluation. The own experience of teachers with digital applications and in the manufacture of their transparent skills in Eportifio could help a lot, trying to inspire students. If teachers understand the benefits of the ePorfolio in a broader professional context and are experiencing different ways of building it, they will feel more comfortable in their orientation work and can be an example to their students.


How teachers understand the assessment in the competence-based education that really matters (Baartman, Bastiaens, Kirschner and Van der Vleuten 2007, Tillema, Kessels and Meijers 2000). In order to succeed in using ePorfolios, teachers must see evaluation and guidelines as an integrated activity in the implementation of the study modules when developing the competence of students. The evaluation is not just an assessment of learning, but also an assessment of learning, sometimes called as a feed stream (Wimshurst & Manning 2013). With regard to the importance of reflection in learning (eg Cowan & Peacock 2017), the evaluation can also be considered as an assessment as learning, highlighting the indisputable importance of the evaluation. formative as a continuous process of improving self-regulated learning (Clark 2012). In addition, it is essential that teachers understand the central role of students participating in an assessment, as an autonomous and peer assessor. According to previous research on the success of the implementation of the jurisdiction modules, teachers must give room to the ideas of students, which, in turn, could strengthen the property of the students for their own learning (Kunnari, Ilomäki and Toom, 2018). Teachers need to assess students' creativity and need to realize that skills can be demonstrated in different ways. In addition, the evaluation of skills in higher education is not limited to the school environment, but must occur in real contexts of life. Teachers play a vital role in facilitating students to go beyond school and build their professional networks at the same time as they build their ePorfolios.

Sample Category #1
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