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The term symbol is used to refer to a reverent image. It is normally painted on a level wooden board, although Ethiopia, as in different conventions, materials, for example, metal or stone could also be used to create this type of image. The most famous Ethiopian symbols have been dated the 15th century and are mostly painted with an eraser-based paint on wooden planks prepared by Esso. The Ethiopian symbols of this period generally describe the Virgin and the Child, the Apostles and Saint George.




The room appeared here, which can be dated susceptible of the second 50% of the fifteenth century, includes such a mixture of subjects. On the left plateau, the child contacts his mother's jaw, an offer of delicacy that appears more on works of this period. The focal pair is flanked by two sacred messengers with uninceded swords that go like their illustrious guardian.




The right card is designed with images of the apostles who turn their look in worship towards the Virgin and the Child. In the corner of the right base is a representation of Saint George on horseback. The names of some of the figures of the correct board have been composed on the following lines that partition the scene in registers. All things considered, the engravings recognizing the upper column of the apostles and the virgin and the child were initially present on the upper edge of the two boards.




A site that has demonstrated in particular support for penetration, separated the effect of calculation and different components is the bowl of the EEL River of Northern California. There, scientists have planned about 200 slow avalanches and are currently checking 10 or in order to use instruments. These slides all live in virtually indistinguishable environments and terrestrial environments; Just their sizes and their forms contrast.




At EEL River, researchers have discovered that little of all strange avalanches have a hair trigger reaction to precipitation: it may rain for long enough or several months before development. The group discovered that the final creation of these avalanches, as opposed to mathematics or the environment, most of them decide on their conduct. "Overall, fine grain floors with mud-rich materials have a slower reaction and classes or shakes with enormous breaks or crevices have a faster reaction," says Alexander Handworker , Geoscientific at the NASA propulsion laboratory in Pasadena. , California.




Yet, organize these data so that expectations will be a test. For a long time, geologists have collected information to more easily measure the connections between the movement of avalanches and the length and strength of precipitation. In any case, topographic materials and hydrological conditions are considerably factor, Schulz says and the expected degree of accuracy in conjecture slides is still within the reach of researchers. In addition, in many nations, the Avalanches movement is also vigorously influenced by another wonder whose impact has not been completely examined: quisses.

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