Government unexpected decision


The Bureau has shown that another truck of 63 food aid trucks has entered Mekelle since the last update of the fourth August. During the preparation of the press, Billene Seyoum, the press secretary at the Office of Prime Minister Thursday showed that at August 4, 2021 - 157 utilized help trucks entered the Tigray area and arrived in Mekelle.


More recent on humanitarian activities in the north of the country


- The 157 trucks contain food products and non-foods with the help of compassionate artists such as WFP, other United Nations organizations and global NGOs moving away from philanthropic issues.


- The work with respect to the government side to empower a protected section for the product of compassion assistance.


- Nevertheless, there are nevertheless conscious efforts to maneuver the global region with regard to the idea that the aid arrangements put in place by the public authority to help the transport of aid are incapable and that Other methods not so large and less controlled for the transmission of aid are needed.


- Anyway, anyway can not be because there are clear rules and conventions created as a component of the security efforts that each partner needs to remember quickly.

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