
debretsion gebremicharel statement


Ensure coverage and reliability of basic services, including wastewater collection and treatment and energy distribution. It is estimated that only 25-30% of households in Addis have wastewater collection, either through piped sewer line or vacuum trucks. The city’s goal is to reach 50% coverage by 2020. This will require continued investment in piped sewerage and decentralized treatment facilities. Treatment capacity is currently exceeded and excess waste is deposited in water bodies. In regard to energy, stakeholders highlighted service disruption as a stress in the city. The electricity access rate is close to 100%, but outages and interruptions are very frequent. The projected rapid growth in population and intensity of urbanization will require an increase in generation capacity and efficient transmission and distribution system. Both AACG and the utilities should put in place a collaboration mechanism to ensure proper and timely planning of needed infrastructure for basic services to match the city development. Introduce an effectively targeted productive safety net and complementary livelihoods interventions in Addis Ababa to support extremely poor and vulnerable groups and households impacted by shocks. The delivery of a predictable, timely, adequate and productive safety net through conditional and unconditional transfers is a fundamental building block of urban resilience and can serve as a buffer in the face of economic shocks and na

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