operation with red-marked commando


The job of the educators was significant in working with, actuating and evaluating the Flipped internet learning process. The educators individualized the understudies' learning by offering individual developing information, for instance learning materials, sources and references. Nonetheless, the understudies were mindful to gather, alter and alter their own learning materials all the while. Educators additionally urged the understudies to impart transparently their insight to different understudies. 


As indicated by Flipped Classroom model, the understudies assembled the information deftly, freely yet additionally in co-activity with their companions. In their week after week gatherings the understudies teamed up and focused on their present difficulties and questions. The understudies' job as co-students and friends was significant and underlined all the while. Albeit the educators were dynamic and accessible in on the web, they didn't partake in the understudies' week after week online gatherings. 


2.2 The understudies' and the educators' criticism on Flipped Classroom model 


As indicated by the midterm criticism, the understudies thought about the examining, updated with Flipped Classrom model and Scrum structure, definitely more proficient than the conventional preparing with addressing. The adaptability of contemplating, arranging your own plan and focusing on true working-life questions were viewed as extremely sure. The understudies liked particularly the powerful utilization of time assets. The understudies had likewise ideas for development: they wished to have additional itemized input and direction from their educators. The open errands, for example, learning objective setting, wasn't difficult for all. The understudies additionally wished to have more steady and customized learning materials, for example, video cuts on most requesting new ideas. These enhancements are remembered for module executions in not so distant future.

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