Dr abiy ahmed amazing speech


The focal advanced innovation that the understudies work with during the course is ePortfolio, and this pedantic decision is made ahead of time by the talks joined to the course. The speakers validate their decision of ePortfolio with this contention: they (clearly) can't cover all accessible advanced learning and showing advances in a course, the ostensible length of which is two months, along these lines, they decide to zero in on the one computerized innovation really referenced in the public authority request for VET-schooling: ePortfolio. As such, for most VET coaches, working with an ePortfolio as a component of their instructing is obligatory. 


In this way, the course in "Computerized advances in VET-programs", offers a twofold viewpoint on ePortfolio to the members. It upholds the advancement of their didactical ability in utilizing ePortfolio as a computerized innovation in their instructing, and in light of the fact that they, when all is said and done, are understudies who are relied upon to make an ePortfolio and will be approved through the ePortfolio, the ePortfolio likewise turns into a device for the improvement of these VET coaches' very own learning. Then, at that point, as we will foster later, the topic of figuring out an ePortfolio becomes proficient and instructive, yet in addition includes the individual space and inquiries of historical importance.

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