News update from frontline


The game information comprises of roughly 7000 played reproduction game situations. The game records every one of the occasions during interactivity. To examine the game information, information mining and time-series investigations are utilized. Information is likewise gathered by two polls: Clinical Reasoning Skill scale (Koivisto et al., 2016a) and System Usability Scale (Brooke, 1996, 2013). Information on the understudies' client experience of the VR reenactment game is assembled through interviews completed following the gaming experience. The meeting topics incorporate the computer generated simulation client experience parts introduced by Tcha-Tokey et al. (2018). 


The exploration is a continuation of the doctoral examination did by the HAMK Smart Research Unit's Principal Research Scientist Jaana-Maija (Koivisto, 2017). An exploration bunch, driven by Koivisto, has been set up for the examination, and different individuals in this gathering are Principal Research Scientist Pia Tamminen, HAMK Smart Research Unit; Professor Elina Haavisto, University of Turku; Professor Leena Salminen, University of Turku; Docent, President and Managing Director Jari Multisilta, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences; Assistant Professor Harri Ketamo, University of Tampere; Software Engineer Tuomas Louhelainen, game designer; Senior Lecturer Kristiina Rosqvist MNSc , Diaconia University of Applied Sciences and Senior Lecturer Tuija Buure MNSc, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. The examination project produces Doctoral proposals, Master's propositions and Bachelor's postulations.

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