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Hydropower plant construction: This would include construction of: (a) 6 medium-scale hydropower
plants with an aggregate installed capacity of about 950 MW, and (b) 15 small-scale hydropower
plants (<10 MW each).
Hydropower plant studies: The following number of sites will be studied to different levels
(feasibility, pre-feasibility, and reconnaissance).
 Feasibility studies of 15 medium-scale hydropower sites by MoWR
 Feasibility studies of 2 small-scale hydropower sites by EEPCo.
 Feasibility studies of 35 small-scale hydropower sites in various regions.
 Pre-feasibility studies of 18 medium-scale hydropower sites by MoWR.
 Pre-feasibility studies of 30 small-scale hydropower sites in various regions.
 Reconnaissance studies of 30 medium-scale hydropower sites by MoWR.
Miscellaneous outcomes: Other main outcomes of the HDP will include the following.
 Review of feasibility studies for Ethiopia–Sudan and Ethiopia–Djibouti transmission lines.
 Construction of Ethiopia–Sudan and Ethiopia–Djibouti 230-kV lines.
 Start of construction of 1 power plant under the NBI agreement.
 Study of Koka dam and reservoir support schemes (dam height-raising and diversion into an
alternative reservoir).
 Setting up, organizing, and equipping the focal point for HPD database development at the
Federal level (MoWR as implementer).
 Development of the regulatory framework in HPD (MoWR as implementer). 
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