
Zehabesha 3 breaking news


The evaluation and comments of the Minister of State are difficult to recognize for the standard occupants surprisingly a remarkable movement in regular spending for essential things. The expenditure of things rises reliably. The livelihoods of people have stretched exorbitantly unstable to the point that they barely cover rent and food. In a country where 70% of private and public workers earn less than 3,000 districts (according to Prof. Alemayehu Geda figures), ensuring perseverance is an enormous isolated effort. It is problematic to find a speculation property for less than 2,000 BIRrs these days. Five liters of consumable oil are sold by 650 to 700 Birr. Taking into account the endless expenses that are expected to do so reliably, it is practically impossible for families to resist financial strains.




These are not only individual evaluations. The public authority has similarly perceived the strains related to money and has actually been busy stifling the fire. A source that works in authorized companies to restore a public office that oversees regulatory correspondence, warned the reporter on which the public authority has recognized the monetary juriest as one of the retaining fronts sought by the TPLF and its global support. The late measures of the National Bank, the Ministry of Commerce and other important experts to coordinate the more financial region and reduce criminal tasks, for example, saving and contributing and the additional expenses additions are according to the evaluation.




Regardless of these sad genuine elements in the field, the state minister informed that the change related to the nearby money is liquidating a victory, since he has ensured sufficiency, enabling monetary development, the progression of the private region, the creation of work , Organize the foundations and the line in relation to the feasible turn of the events. Eyob (Ph.D.) raised that the money-related improvement of 6.1 percent enrolled during the past, the Ethiopian monetary year is an exposition of the problematic work done to remain against the general financial respite.




In addition, it was pronounced that the early financial repetition data of Ethiopia demonstrate that there should be a rebound in the economy. Although the figures will not be transmitted until the end of September or beginning of October, he used early leaders to announce that Bob Back is on the cards. In addition, its evaluation of the region related to money, furthermore, presented some flushed figures and are tracked that the public authority is on the way to achieve the objective of paying the previous responsibilities, stress before the end of the change period. EYB (Ph.D.) also noted that the public authority has advanced efforts to address hidden insufficiencies in the economy. He raised the effectiveness of the regions and reduction of high dependence on imports as only two pieces of such commitments. The last articulation tries to replace the import of wheat and consumable oil.

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