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The fundamental religions in Ethiopia are Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Paganism. Ethiopia is an extraordinary Christian country and most Christians are Orthodox's toothed Christians, who have a place with the ethopia orthodox rotating church. There is a minority of Christians who are Roman or Protestant Catholics. Ethiopian Orthodox toothed Church went by a patriarch and identified with the fellowship of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Armenian Orthodox Church, Syrian Orthodox Church and Indian Orthodox Sankara Church.








Christianity began in Ethiopia when two Syrian Christians (Fresenius and Aedissius) came to Assam and began to notify individuals about Jesus Christ and Christianity. Fresenius and Aedissius affected King Azana, who ruled Assam in the early part of the fourth century, and effectively turned it into Christianity. Following King Azana turned into Christianity, he officially stated Christianity as a fundamental belief from his realm at 341 m and asked Fresenius to go to Alexandria where he was blessed by the minister with Patriarch Alexandria at 346 M.




Asume members embraced Judaism and the Law of Moses during the Rajaikan King's reign, the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and afterwards accepted Christianity as a principle trust in 341 AD. The visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon's king and a trip with high authorities (Kasim) to Jerusalem shortly after Christ's death showed that Ethiopians had a close relationship with Israeli and Jerusalem. Since then, Ethiopia has noticed the Old and New Testament Training.

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