News from frontline


"He sent us to Addis Ababa and he relinquished with his kid" - A reaching talk by Eshete's better half, Mrs. Wolela. Having a tendency to draft objectives by the Council of Ministers on the arrangement of a thorough public trade, Ambassador Dina Mufti explained that the objective is yet to be submitted to the House of Peoples' Representatives for endorsement in the going with a large portion of a month. He added, "I don't have any information concerning who will participate in the talk."


Agent Dina reacted to questions including the development alarms gave by a couple of worldwide places of refuge arranged in Addis Abeba admonishing their occupants to leave immediately. "The Ethiopian government unending inventory of the delegates for an explanation. Some of them were scrutinized anyway we don't reveal such matters for key purposes," he said. The delegate discussed dissatisfaction with the show of Dr. Tedros Adhanom, top of the World Health Organization.

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