Air force unexpected attack


One of the courses we found is tactically based on the use of ePorfolio, both as a learning space and a validation tool, is a diploma program in professional pedagogy, a program that certifies pedagogically certified Teachers in Danish veterinarian schools. The course is rather resolutely, an elective course emphasizing digital technologies in teaching, and is called "digital technologies in veterinary programs". Thus, it is not so strange to find a didactic perspective developed on ePorfolio in such a course.


The learning objectives of this course are focused on digital skills and aim to support the student's competence in the management of digital technologies in the prospects of didactic and learning theory; participate in professional and multi-professional collaboration on educational and learning development on the basis of digital technologies; assume responsibility for using digital technologies in planning, implementing and evaluating education and learning; and develop targeted digital tutorial courses to different participants. (Diploma program in professional pedagogy 2016.)

Sample Category #1
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