Amhara special force vs TPLF


The fight has been passing from November 20, destabilizing the country of long distance in the Horn of Africa, leaving a large number of people dead with 350,000 people living in hunger conditions.




In addition, Eritrean soldiers are involved in Tigray for the Ethiopian public position. All sides have been failed to be foolish.




A fight against power, a political choice, and an impulse for political change are among a couple of components that incited the crisis.




In fundamental pieces of 100, 300 and 500 words, we explain how and why the contest began.




The dispute began on November 4, when the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed mentioned a strategic threat against the neighborhood controls in Tigray.




He said he did it as such due to an attack on a military establishment who lives the government troops there.




The increase in speed came after a long time of fighting between Mr. Abiy's organization and the peaks of the predominant philosophical meeting of Tigray.




For almost thirty years, the meeting was at the point of convergence of power, before Mr. Abiy was maritime by Mr. Abiy, who was serious in 2018 after the enemy of government battles.

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