Abel birhanu breaking news


The Liberation Front of the People of Tirana (TLF) has released an announcement after the meeting of its Official Board of Trustees. The announcement is one that, by and by, rejects the government's efforts to delay the political decision and the next political decision through the established translation and resist the alerts of the central government, especially the Prime Minister, on the election of the TPF To direct the political decision according to the first calendar.




The announcement blames the prosperity party for various forged, for example, negotiating the sovereignty and national interests of the country, abusing the established request (and subsequently of fascism), taking arms against people who are aligned with the Constitution ( Probably PLF), and subverted the inner tranquility of the district through the spread of false data. This is probably a reference to the struggles in the town that were accounted for by the governmental, private and universal means, which TLF has completely denied.

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