Seifu on ebs interview


The wedding of EBS moderator writer Bruktawit. All dialects much of the time acquire and advance words and the degree to which they do still up in the air by the relationship they share. For instance, the French language has acquired 2,515 English words, 1,198 Italian words, 546 German words, 476 Spanish words, 249 Dutch words, 117 Portuguese words, and 2 Amharic words.


Regardless, this credit, at times forgotten by speakers, shows a solid relationship, joining dialects and people groups in a common history. French has just straightforwardly acquired two words from Amharic: Abyssin and négus. They showed up without precedent for the sixteenth hundred years in the French interpretation of the Historiale Description de l'éthiopie by Francisco Alvarez (1558).


In French, négus implies an Ethiopian lord, however it additionally is the name of a kind of sweet. Négus and Abyssin are fortes of the town of Nevers, made in 1902 when Ras Makonnen visited France. They are delicate chocolate and espresso caramels, canvassed in a hard caramel shell. Abyssin was additionally acquired from Ge'ez. The name Abyssinia was brought into European dialects in the seventeenth 100 years, supplanting the legendary name of Royaume du Prêtre Jean to mirror the name Habesha through which the people groups of the Christian Kingdom of Ethiopia remember one normal character.

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