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After the Finnish review time frame, the educator understudies' contemplations of advancement work execution shifted from energy to concerns. The educator understudies turned out to be extremely energetic, determinate and spurred to begin their educational advancement execution in their own working and learning conditions in Brazil. 


We truly don't have the foggiest idea what will occur later on, yet we should head toward this path. (An instructor understudy) 


Notwithstanding, they were exceptionally worried about how their understudies, associates and school networks would respond to their advancement work perspective change from instructor centredness to understudy focused methodologies, for instance: 


I have some worry about my associates in light of the fact that on my grounds we don't have a decent air for coordinated effort due to various issues. (An instructor understudy) 


Table 1. Classifications of portrayal of the Brazilian instructor understudies' contemplations of academic turn of events and the most significant learning encounters after the Finnish review time frame.

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