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further away from the city should be coupled with exploration of rainwater and stormwater catchments for grey-water uses such as industry, landscaping, and cleaning. Pilot urban densification using a transit oriented development and integrated municipal management approach. As part of the implementation of the Integrated Development Plan, AACG should select targeted sites for intensive public investments, private sector engagement, and institutional coordination. These pilots for urban densification should be aligned with transport investments, especially public transportation, and supported by cross-agency technical teams to ensure the quality of local development plans, adequacy of infrastructure delivery, enforcement of building and safety codes, and readiness of private sector to take advantage of opportunities for investment. Establish mass transport skeletal services to shape metropolitan growth. While upgrading and redevelopment in the city center is laudable and should be pursued, it will not be possible to meet the pace of expected urban growth solely through measures aimed at redevelopment of existing core areas. Efforts need to be taken to ensure that fringe growth is orderly and that viable and affordable transportation options exist. This includes moving quickly to establish mass transport skeletal services to shape metropolitan growth

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