
VOA interview with Ambassador Fisseha Asgedom


Spray it, configure it, or a plate that - the potato is conclusive support for comfort, by far, most of us. It is stacked with supplements of C, B1, B3 and B6 and Minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus, close by avoidance specialists dietetic malignancy. Consequently, it is nothing unforeseen that potato is truly profitable for prosperity. In any case, did you understand that, in addition, it can help you stay aware of and shiny skin when applied topically? Before we keep in the inspection of packets of the face of the potato, we must explore the positive aspects of potato face packages for your skin.




Not all people suffer them, however, for those who do, spots opaque on their face, chest, hands or elsewhere in the body can be very confusing to supervise, since they do not fade isolated and sometimes not They can be covered by the typical corrector. Considering all things, what are these stains, and why a couple of meetings they have? As has been demonstrated by our experts in the field, for the most part, weaknesses in the skin can be accredited to two causes: scars and hyperpigmentation (in reality, scarring is post-provocation hyperpigmentation). Evident by themselves, weak points of the opposite-called hyperpigmentation-can be the result of a scar (in light of post-provocation hyperpigmentation) and photo pain (because of sun receptivity):




"Scars can be isolated in two classes: boring engravings that are actually the result of post-provocation hyperpigmentation, which appear as weak or pink engravings, or, a change from the surface of the skin, weaken to achieve or Scared scars, "explains the Guaranteed Professional Trained Dermatological Council, Dendy Engelman. Pigmented scars are "get a real problem in the layer of sketching the shadow of the epidermis", while the scars are textured "reached by genuine tears in the dermis," she explains. A couple of meetings healing with more viable than others can be genetically eliminated (in light of the fact that they have the most remarkable shadow): "A couple of meeting with a more prominent shading is more willing to hyperpigmentation," Engelman states. "In the same way, those with more prominent shading on the skin is more willing to hyperpigmentation and scars."

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