
The shortest person who has not left home for 42 years.


Revealing of assault attack to the police is uncommon and thought about a no. Contacting the body of a lady, attacking, squeezing and once in a while beating a lady is yet to be viewed as a criminal offense in Ethiopia. A few men associated with the actual attack of ladies anticipate that the casualty should be satisfied with their demonstration and maybe Ethiopia is the nation facilitating enormous number of such transients. Such practice is viewed as ordinary in rustic pieces of the nation and the country men mirror their propensity while coming to metropolitan regions.


A lady, who is the casualty of an assault attack, will be exposed to a few phases of embarrassment beginning from the police. Most cops start from provincial regions and they treat the casualty considering the way of life and custom they were brought up in. Assault isn't dealt with truly. More often than not, a lady who goes to the police and report the instance of actual attack and lewd behavior will unquestionably turn into the subject of joke. Men are seen committing rehashed frightful savagery against ladies. Ladies are casualties of corrosive assaults and sunlight shooting.

Sample Category #2
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