
What happen on special force


Based on the interviews carried out during the CityStrength Diagnostic, there is little evidence to show that communities and other municipal agencies have been consulted on investments in Addis Ababa related to flood control, drainage, and fire prevention. These investment are mostly driven by individual bureaus with limited or no consultation. Informal settlements along the river banks are particularly vulnerable to seasonal flooding and drainage system overflow. It is estimated that about 5% of the city’s residents are vulnerable to flood risk, and two-thirds of them live in simple mud and wood dwellings that are extremely vulnerable to flood damage. In addition to physical damage, these incidents have contributed to health epidemics in the city. Redundant Since there is no contingency plan in place and no early warning system to reach communities, most disaster response activities in Addis Ababa are ad hoc. FEPRA is receiving technical support from USAID to strengthen these capacities.

Sample Category #1
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