Unexpected news from tigary


There is no security, such a strike, it would even prevail when hitting the prey, said Nagy, who, in addition, who, as well as representative of the USA. UU to Addis Ababa during the conflict with Eritrea.




"Militarily, I do not understand that the Egyptians would be suitable to climb the good Ethiopian countries," Al-Monitor told him.




A current official by the United States familiar with the evaluations on the matter acknowledged, saying on the state of secrecy that such activity would be problematic due to the restrictions of the armed forces based on the aviation of Egypt.




A part of these limitations are per plan. For quite some time, the United States would not sell the F-15 warrior plane to Cairo, instead of sending the lighter and more limited scope and more flexibility F-16, despite giving the F-15 to Saudi Arabia and Israel .




The Egyptian army has looked at this limitation lately, requesting approximately two dozens of Russian Aircraft Su-35 despite the alerts of the authorities of the Trump Organization of the potential sanctions of the US. UU




Cairo, equally mentioned, progressed in large beyond focusing on frames as a feature of an extra F-16 request from Washington during Trump's organization, according to a former US official. UU.




Regardless of the Help of Centav Comandante Generat. Kenneth "Forthright" McKenzie, who considered that the one who was treated as an approach to let the US powers beyond and prevent Cairo from buying an extra Russian airplane, the Office of Political-Military Affairs of the Excluded State Department. Including high-level frames.




"The investigation was, what would you like to use this?" The previous authority said, who spoke about the state of the lack of housing to examine the possible weapons agreement.




"The solitary answer was not a good thing, absolutely nothing we would assume," said the previous authority.




In any case, since the administration of Bosnia Mubarak, Cairo has considered expanding its strike range against the prey with access to Sudan's based. In addition, Egyptian authorities have supposedly examined the creation of an air base in Somaliland.




A new recoil in the strains between Cairo and Turkey on the Libyan conflict, as with Qatar, allowed Siri's administration to be zero in the influence of construction in East Africa on the debate of the flock.




A week ago, the upper part of the designated person of the military vision of Egypt, greater gen. Gen. The same Saber el-degwi, spoiled to an agreement to Uganda, referring to the common dependence of the nations of the Nile water in a public joint. Farid, the Egyptian army personnel chief, consent to an agreement for protection participation with his Burundian partner in the capital of Egypt on Saturday. These arrangements follow a safeguard settlement backed with Sudan towards the beginning of March.




However, there is no guarantee that Khartoum would defend a clear Egyptian military activity against the herd.




"Egypt and Sudan are not yet in Lockstep," said Musette Farouk, a supervisor and supervisor of the Egypt program at the Middle East Institute in Washington.




Although the links between the two nations have been developed since the well-known defeat of 2019 of the Tyrant Omar al-Bashir, from Sudan, the Ethiopian effort to Sudan on well-being concerns about the dam significantly: "Cairo does not You can underestimate the help of Khartoum, "Marduk told the monitor.




A potential difficulty that US authorities are looking at is the recovery of the question of the creepy line of Ethiopia with Sudan late.




According to the United Nations, the furship has sent almost 60,000 Ethiopian evacuates throughout the line towards Sudan, which is going through a very delicate political progress from the defeat of Bashar.




"Ideally, the cooler heads will win. Ni caddis or Khartoum need the circumstance of the al-Fashqah triangle to go crazy," said Nagy al-Monitor.




Another power Point Point could arrive as a significant territorial dry season. "In the possibility of off that Ethiopia [fills the prey] and there

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