
debretsion gebremicharel statement


      The hierarchy of needs: The needs of an employee can be explained by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as illustrated in Figure 1 of this chapter.  There are two key elements of Maslow’s work that affect the remuneration structure. The first element is that the needs are a hierarchy - it is difficult to address higher level needs when lower level needs are not fulfilled. The second element is that the hierarchy provides employers with a checklist which can be used to review the total compensation package.  


In essence, these seven misunderstandings of Tropman (2001:18), tend to mean that employers have a rigid, over administered, and undermanaged compensation system. In the modern organisation, these perceptions need to be amended, especially given the structure, needs and expectations to the modern-day employee.


Breaking with the idea that engagement is merely the opposite of burnout, Schaufeli et al. (2002:74), defined engagement as a persistent and positive affective – motivational state of fulfilment in employees, characterised by vigor, dedication and absorption.

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