Ethiopian News September 30 2021 Mereja Today Abiy Ahmed


and management of infrastructure. This creates

Substantial demands for coordination.

The business as usual is not an option; Addis

You need to make a concert and coordinated

effort to be a step ahead of the

Early growth.

In February 2015, a team of specialists.

of the World Bank group worked

with Government officials, experts and

Stakeholders in Addis Ababa to identify

Priority actions and investments.

That will improve the resistance of the city to

These current and future challenges. Them

Scanned options to transform planned or

Aspirational projects in initiatives that

It will also improve the recovery capacity of the city. What

The largest city in Ethiopia and one of the

Fully growing cities in Africa, Addis Ababa

plays an important role in promoting the

Wellness of the country and economic.

Prosperity in the region. For Addis Ababa,

Efforts to promote greater resilience should

be closely aligned with the vision of the city to be

A safe and habitable city, guarantees the national.

Objective of becoming a country of average income

By 2025, and become the diplomat of Africa.


To identify the share package and

The investments necessary to improve resilience.

In Addis Ababa, the World Bank team.

Use the new diagnosis of the length of the City

Methodology, a qualitative and fast diagnosis.

Process that uses a combination of guided.

Interviews, exercises and review of existing ones.

Studies to determine sectorates and cros.

Sample Category #1
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