Ethiopian News February 1 2022 Mereja Today Abiy Ahmed


Following a long time of in all cases difficulties government draws near, and serious security power restriction, the common liberties scene changed in 2018 after Abby Ahmed became head director in April. The council lifted what was happening in June and conveyed an enormous number of political prisoners from repression, including essayists and key limitation pioneers, for instance, Es kinder Sega and Maria Guinea. The organization lifted restrictions on admittance to the web, yielded that security powers relied upon torture, zeroed in on legal changes of serious laws and introduced different various changes, preparing for further developed respect for common freedoms.


In July, Ethiopia and Eritrea settled a decades-long stalemate, agreed to an amicability game plan and assented to execute the 2002 widespread cutoff commission decision. Relations between the countries had been ruthless or hardened since their warriors clashed in the bordertown of Badge in 1998.

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