Amazing Defense force video released


News in Ethiopia - Ethiopians in Italy, Rome, Dishtagina, Abiy Ahmed Ali, Getachew Reda. The amazing message of the young man at the meeting. Billene Seyoum, representative of ABIY, told a public interview Thursday that more than 300,000 people had been uprooted by a continuous fight in Amhara and in advance. The pioneers of the world, in the meantime, encourage the TPLF to focus on a truce to work with means of transportation to Tigray, where the fight against United Nations assessments has resulted in 400,000 people under similar conditions to weakness.




The United States has asked for radicals to ensure that the LEGACY site with the representative of the State Department, the price of the NED, the restoration of the restoration requires a finish to brutality. A UN representative said Thursday that up to 175 guide trucks who transport a compassionate guide had shown in Mekelle, the capital of Tigray District.




The Bureau of Humanitarian Affairs has stated that the current guide is not adequate, with expected trucks expected every day to help 5.2 million people out of luck, said Stephane Dujarric, the principal representative of the secretary General of the UN Antonio Guterres.




The representative required a political response to the Tigray conflict while the fight against the fight against it was overthrown. The revolutionaries of the Tigray Hit-Hit District of Ethiopia on Thursday have assumed the responsibility of the city of Lalibela, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the adjacent Amhara region, said the inhabitants of the neighborhoods.

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