Artist Simon Demesse's son birthday


Betoch Satire Satire Dramination Anniversary of Simon's Child Demessions. During the virtual statement, Kyomuhendo said: "The Virtuoso of this story lies in Hadero's ability to transform the focal point on the schematic, the history of the NGO in Africa to" make great and do it. admirably. She added that "what had become in addition to the named authorities was discrete in history, but incredible consumption and the way everything happens splendidly together in a clever curve."




Hadero, whose short story "The sweeping of the street" was preselected among four others, is transformed into the main Ethiopian to win the deeply eating and similar ancient price for African authors. In any case, it is not his first ideal opportunity to be in the opposition, as his short history, "the wall", was preselected in 2019.




"Street sweep" includes a young man of hope, motherhood, mother and an American ostracization, Jeff Johnson. Getu is happy that Jeff Johnson considers their company and change his worn life in extraordinary fortunes. Anyway, the Métu's mother is negative and dubious simultaneously, while it seeks Jeff and NGOs in their area like nothing few less tricks.




Hadero survey on the interracial elements of a province of postcolonial ethiopia. It presents the non-existent link between Ethiopians and Euro-American specialists in Ethiopia, offering us a look in the inevitable style in such a general public.




Valiantly, Hadero censures the incongruity of the strategy structure that exists to serve the industrial interests of Western nations while providing the presence of its parents.

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