
TPLF unexpected attack


In the implementation of the study modules, teachers teams have a challenge to build tasks and evaluate the learning process together. The objective objectives of the study modules direct this work. However, when the evaluation and the creation of eportecolium are implemented within projects and environments related to work, everything can not be planned in advance. Teachers teams are required to regulate their actions according to the needs of students and emerging tendencies, which emphasize the importance of teachers' teams. 'Collective agility and flexibility (kunnari, ilomäki and toom 2018). In this type of teamwork, teachers must agree together, how they provide comments and how they work with students, not as individuals, but as a team. In an optimal situation, teachers' teams recognize various personal strengths of team members and use them creatively. Each teacher must be able to support the learning process of students by participating in the EPortfolio work guide, but they can give different contributions to the process according to their skills and special professional interests.

Sample Category #1
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