
Amazing interview with actress Melat Nebiyu


Bratton and Gold (2009) define fringe benefit as that part of the total reward package provided to employees in addition to base or performance pay. In the views of Mathis and Jackson (2003), fringe benefits are forms of indirect compensation given to an employee or group of employees as a part of organizational membership.Fringe benefits, or that part of the total compensation package other than pay for time worked provided to employees in whole or in part by employer payments, play a major role in the structuring of compensation packages  (Williams,  1995:1097). According toBernardin (2007) fringe benefits focus on maintaining (or improving) the quality of life for employees and providing a level of protection and financial security for workers and for their family members.


To attract competent employees: Employees are known to be attracted to organizations that offer attractive fringe benefits. In this period of competition among organizations to attract competent employees, those organization that fail to offer these benefits usually loose their competent employees. This is because human beings have needs and they are attracted to organizations they feel that can take care of their needs. Time has passed when employees join organizations mainly because of the base pay or wages Torrington s.(2003). Nowadays, employees join organizations, not only because of the wages or salaries but because of fringe benefits attached to such works. These benefits may include employment security benefits, education and housing allowance etc.

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