
/Melat Nebiyou/Henok Dinku Ethiopian Artists


On the Seifu show, interview actress Melat Nebiyu. The theme of this year’s competition, “Best ecosystem practices in Africa to encourage young ICT innovation,” is an example of a common idea that can help people work together and get a seat at the alliance table.

Many of us who like helping innovators through partnerships have learned over the years, especially from the first ATU Africa Innovation Challenge, that it is not impossible to work together.

Innovation assistance must be based on original concepts and ideas, just as we anticipate innovators to create new ideas. When we announce the winners in September, I’m definitely looking forward to seeing some of Africa’s best practices that have created an environment that encourages youth ICT innovation, giving them awards, and showing them off to the whole continent.

We must acknowledge the complexity of the innovation process. For innovators, especially young ICT innovators, to be successful, they need resources, building their skills, good policies, important networks, a change in culture, and a business-friendly environment. All stakeholders must cooperate for all these factors to exist inside an innovation ecosystem.

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