News from Eritrea


The normal thought that energy love is key in marriage is exceptionally new. In his book on the authentic marriage environment, Stephanie Coontz (2005) shows that this thought was inevitable about two centuries previously: "People have gone reliably completely, and at all ages, several couples have been estimated Significantly. However., only inconsistently in history has been seen as the central legitimization that is hooked. " COONTZ combat even more than "In various social orders, love has been seen as an unfortunate worthwhile, but not as a legitimate evocation to engage, independently".




Similarly, Pascal Bruckner (2013) Battle that already, the marriage was consecrated, and love, in case it existed in some way, the form or form, was a kind of remuneration. Since love has been seen as essential in marriage, love is considered consecrated and marriage as discretionary.




As the requirements are, the number of connections has been decreasing, while divorces, single accessories and single-parent families extend. Bruckner saw that reverence has expired marriage, despite, from now on, he may be destroying it from within.




Taking into account the energetic sincere love as crucial in marriage has updated the value of marriage, to zero in it in our lives. In addition, it has, however, the connections made more temperamental and uncertain. The theme of whether to leave a marriage in which love is not energetic ends up being alarmingly crucial for certain couples and genuine commitments become a critical concern.

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