News from tigray


During his discussion with Ethiopian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Nebil Mahdi, Beatrice Wani said that South Sudan focuses on improving its authentic relationships with Ethiopia. "South Sudan would not allow anything to be terrible to happen to Ethiopia," she said. The cleric also underscored the positive effect of the ERS in energy production and noticed that great agreements are expected to solve the impasse in treatment.




The Nebil representative complemented the pastor for the Foundation of the Reconstituted National Assembly and the State Council and highlighted this greatly would greatly add to the convenient and full execution of the non-aggression treaty. The representative further advised the priest about the improvements in Ethiopia.




Despite the honest objective of the government by the prosperity of the Tigray individuals, TPLF has forgotten to respond to the truce and continued to send new assaults on several fronts, said the envoy. He said that the Ethiopian national defense forces have all the limits and good power to kill the antagonistic component.




The Nebil representative has further educated him about the subsequent presentation on the prey and repeated that the general reason of the prey is producing power. Unknown Minister of South Sudan, Beatrice Wani reaffirmed the responsibility of her country to the prosperity of Ethiopia.

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