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Two or three spots of love in these zones have been likely attributed to this period, yet coming about varieties got together with the weakness to obtain agrees to coordinate archeological investigations make dating inconvenient. It seems, by all accounts, to be possible that puts of love continued to be worked similarly as (cut) out of rock. A social occasion of funerary hypogea (underground loads) in the Hazier plain (in northern Ethiopia) may have been changed into houses of prayer during the post Assume period. This could be what is happening for churches, for instance, Abreha-we-Atsbeha (under) and Thermos Euro (the structures in these heavenly places in all likelihood date from a later period). As shown by neighborhood oral shows, scarcely any iron crosses date to the Assume or Post-Aksumite periods, but the nonattendance of reliable dating methods and how such crosses were made at any rate until the sixteenth century, makes it incredibly difficult to affirm these cases.

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