
Defense force statement


Each kebab bet can have an average of 20 students. We can then be justified, with a certain reserve, saying that, at present, the total registration of bet kebab may well be 300,000. This does not include students receiving instructions in village schools. and in private compounds. Normally, children start school aged 5 to 7 when they are traditionally considered to learn. Theoretically, boys and girls and members of all ethnic groups and classes are eligible to register for church schools. However, in rural districts, parents generally discouraged girls' education as their function is to be housewives and this role, no formal education is considered necessary. Non-Christian families hesitate to send their children to a kebab bet because it is closely integrated into the church. Therefore, KEBAB bet and church schools as a whole can not be considered as serving the entire population, but only members of the Orthodox Christian Church.

Sample Category #1
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