Dr. Sefoniyas advises as a final translator of the Constitution, the Chamber of the Federation is the guardian of the Constitution and the application established. Whereas, we accept that this would not be sufficient for the Council and the House to urge the public authority that the duration of Parliament can be expanded and how. If it hosts the expansion of the duration of Parliament,
The room and the ICC should recommend a component to guarantee at least two things. One is an instrument to ensure that the political race will occur within a sensitive period once the field condition takes into account. In such a way, ITC and HOF should encourage the public authority to adopt positive progress to guarantee those who feared "Power Snatch".
It might even suggest the basis of a board of applicable specialists who intermittently investigate whether the nation is prepared for the political decision in the event that it is totally transmitted to the Leader and the Constituent Commission which is still attempting to acquire The confidence of each unique ideological group. All things considered, the fear of many ideological groups is not the delay of the political decision, however, that the postponement could be longer than necessary.
Secondly, it should recommend protections to ensure that the occupant is not part of the abusive state organizations to promote unjustifiable discretionary benefits on Challengers. This could incorporate at the invitation of public authority and other people not to address specific choices or participate in specific exercises. This could even go further and show what could be considered an inadmissible director movement. If the Chamber exhorts that parliamentary terms can not be expanded and the occupant may at this stage remain in power after the expiry of his term in October, he should provide advice on how the nation should be administered and help the country with deviation from the danger approaching on the application established.
Our second established
The fervor and the level of public interest that this protected discussion and undoubtedly the measurement of the following established translation measure is not lost. Anyway, it tends to be considered as a type of audience recognition that Ethiopia is of a second remarkable protégé the heaviness whose cumbersome should not be lost in particular by the bodies with the Assignment of the special obligation of second requests. We hope they are not respected.
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