
Dr Abiy ahmed message


This is the thing my hand looks like, given a snake - the difficult life of an Ethiopian mother in Shiromaa. The capacity of the courts over the last twenty years seems to have been, the rules of the score against those considered as enemies by TPTB (the force which is). The legal framework of Ethiopia / Court of Justice was once an alleged institutional component on which the speech / oppressed could depend.




In particular to examine the complaints of them, not only by the domination of the enormous administration of the state further by those who are monetary and another flow. It should be understood that the use of political capacity to sabotage global cultural trust is greater than a simple wrongful act; It is more similar to sin, a human to that, as is the main reputation of the tireless destabilization of a country!




Allow us to take a gandonne in part of our more weakened and mutilated cultural qualities. LOITY / MOBALENSE / MODEMESTY: We understand a little time as a mental behavior that always tries to shed light on its strength. It's a roundabout work to start the norm with people who are probably not so honored.




It helps to make experiences with less lucky enough. Vanity could probably be its immediate antonym. In Ethiopia, as in many mature companies around the world, location was considered one of the ideals of global presence.

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