Abiy Ahmed's Speech


EPORTHOLIO As a learning space and a showcase (Barrett 2010) has been introduced to teachers, and now students of many study programs have begun to use them. In this article, our goal is to clarify how EPORTHOLIO can work as a tool in higher education, based on competition and students focused on students, where the ultimate goal of using eportfolio is to train students to build their profile Professional and finding its place at work. market. We focus on the work of the teachers in Hamk using EPortfolio as an evaluation and guidance tool, which in accordance with Yang, Tai and Lim (2016) "include showing and sharing learning artifacts, documenting reflective learning processes, connecting the Learning in various stages and enabling frequent feedback for improvements. " We are interested in how teachers can facilitate the creation of students 'ePortecolio, and what kind of preconditions for success can be identified from the Masters' point of view. The ideas and perspectives presented in this article are based on many discussions with the educational teachers and developers of HAMK, and in practical development work related to the use of eportecolium in the piloting degree programs. In addition, previous analyzes have been used in the EEP project, such as the collection of best practices (Kunnari and Laurikainen 2017), the analysis of the students' perspectives (Kunnari, Laurikainen, & Tork 2017) and the analysis of the prospects of employers (for example, Kunnari 2018). In this regard, the approach to this article is applying the principles of research based on practice or based on practitioners (Heikkinen, Jong and Vanderlinde 2016), where the practitioners, including students and teachers, are analyzing their own practices.

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